COSTA RICA: The Gem of Latin America Copyright (c) 1995 (Protected by Pan-American & International Conventions) By Shannon Roxborough Known as the "Switzerland of the Americas" for its peace, democracy, and natural beatuy, Costa Rica, flanked by the Caribbean Sea on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west, is seemingly blesed with numerous magnificent mountains, pristine beaches, and a year-round pleasant climate. Costa Rica, nestled in the heart of Central America (bordered by Nicaragua and Panama), is known for its beautifully preserved environment and friendly atmosphere. In order to preserve promises of peace, the government of Costa Rica disbanded its armed forces in 1949, and currently has no army, navey or airforce. Funds previously allocated for the military are now channeled into education and social development. As a result, Costa Rica boasts a high literacy rate, and health & medical standards comparable to many First-World countries. But Costa Rica is not all tranquility. In San Jose, its capital with a population of more than 250,000, you will find Four-Star hotels, bustling businesses, and a shopper's paradise. Though Spanish is Costa Rica's Official Language, I've put together a list of English-speaking contacts to make your business in the republic smooth sailing: TOURIST OFFICES Costa Rican Tourist Board, Plaza de la Cultura, 5th Street, Central and 2nd Avenue, San Jose, Costa Rica; Tel: (506) 223-1733, ext. 277 1101 Brickel Ave., Blvd. Tower, Suite 801, Miami, FL 33131 USA; Tel: Tel: (800) 327-7033; (305) 358-2150 CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES & RETIREMENT INFORMATION Financial Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Source 91/12-0695) Box 959, Centro Colon Offices - 1007, San Jose, Costa Rica Tel: (506) 296-2597; Fax: (506) 220-3470 REAL ESTATE Leona Mar Developments, Avenida 4, Calle 34/36, San Jose,. Costa Rica; Tel/Fax: (506) 231-4553 Eco-Resorts, Post Office Box 661, Liberty, New York 12754 USA American Realty, Edifico Ferencz, Third Floor, Avenida 3 and Calle 3, P.O. Box 2310-1000, San Jose, COsta Rica; Tel: (6506) 223-0328 Fax: (506) 223-1050 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Dr. Enrique Von Browne, Apartado 5634, San Jose, Costa Rica Tel: (506) 221-8550; Fax: (506) 221-5910 TRADE & INVESTMENT Embassy of Costa Rica, 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 211 Washington, DC 20009 USA; Tel: (202) 234-2945 U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Desk Officer for Costa Rica, Room H3314 Washington, DC 20230 USA; Tel: (202) 377-2527 Costa Rica Investment & Trade Promotion Office, Gaslight Tower, Suite 1617 Atlanta, GA 30303 USA; Tel: (404) 223-5708 ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER The Tico Times, Avenida 8, Calle 15, Apartado 4632, San Jose, Costa Rica Tel: (506) 222-8952; Fax: (506) 233-6378 (USA: Box 025216, Dept. 717, Miami, FL 33102)